TEN WICKED QUESTIONS + a release day giveaway!

WickedKiss_coverToday is the release day for WICKED KISS, the sequel to last year’s DARK KISS!! I have the first two chapters available here on my site if you want to check ’em out. This book is a roller coaster of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, action, danger, mystery…and plenty of kissing. 🙂 I hope readers enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Which is A LOT!

What is Wicked Kiss about?

It’s about demons and angels, and family and friendship, trust, love, and hope, and trusting your heart vs. trusting your head. It’s about what really matters to you, even if you don’t realize what matters to you until it’s threatened.

Plot-wise, Wicked Kiss continues the story of Samantha Day, a teenage girl whose soul was stolen in a dark kiss, turning her into a soul-stealing “gray,” and the small team of angels and demons sent to earth to stop creatures like her from destroying the universal balance. Sam’s main goal is to get her soul back and be normal again, but nothing is ever that easy…especially not when you’re falling in love with someone whose duty it is to save the world from creatures just like you.

Who is your favorite character?

I do really love writing from Samantha’s POV since she’s strong and smart and funny. And I love Bishop, the main angel who’s in charge even though he’s dealing with a multitude of difficulties. But I know Kraven is a reader favorite and this is very likely because he’s just so much fun to write – a snarky jerk of a demon who has some serious pain he’s dealing with down deep that is rising – very quickly – to the surface. Kind of like a sarcastic volcano.

What was your favorite part about writing Wicked Kiss?

My favorite part was a couple key relationships, beyond the expected “romantic” relationship between Bishop and Sam (which I loved since it’s so much more complex in book two than it was in book one). I loved writing about Bishop and Kraven’s many problems and how the two choose to deal with their difficult history. And I loved writing about Sam’s developing friendship (?) with Jordan, her high school nemesis.

Is there a love triangle in the book?

I do enjoy a good love triangle. And if that dynamic is essential to a plot, then I’m all for it. On the surface, there may seem to be a love triangle in Wicked Kiss…but it’s definitely NOT a traditional one. In my opinion, a traditional love triangle (boy-girl-boy) will have the girl torn between her romantic feelings for two very different boys. She doesn’t know who she really loves the most. It’s not really like that in Wicked Kiss, but Bishop and Kraven’s past definitely play a large part into the trio’s dynamic.

Will readers find out more about Bishop and Kraven’s mysterious past hinted at in book one?

Oh, yes. WAY, WAYYYY more. 🙂

Instalove – are you for it or against it?

One of the things I noticed that Dark Kiss was criticized for – or, really, that any YA that features love at first sight seems to be criticized for – is “instalove.” (A term I wasn’t even familiar with until DK came out! LOL). Frankly, I love books with love at first sight, provided that it feels right and natural for the characters. In Dark Kiss, Sam and Bishop are drawn together from their first meeting, attracted to each other in ways they don’t entirely know how to process, but can’t ignore. However, this attraction was VITAL to the plot and it wasn’t just caused by thinking the other person was “super hot.” In fact, this instant attraction is looked at very critically in book two by the characters and it opens up the dialogue of what is real love? Is what we’re feeling real? How do we know the difference between actual love and artificial supernaturally-induced attraction?

Will there be another book in the series?

At this moment, there are no more Nightwatchers books under contract. The series currently consists of Dark Kiss and Wicked Kiss only, no more, no less. Due to this, I took extra steps and extra time to ensure that book two does NOT end on a cliffhanger and that readers will be totally satisfied. That said, if Wicked Kiss sells well, there may be the chance for another book. So, if you enjoy the books, please help spread the word! Word of mouth is THE BEST advertising!

And a couple questions from my Facebook page….

Will Kraven admit that he has feelings for Sam?

Kraven is a complicated character and therefore his feelings are complicated, and definitely not black and white “I like you,” or “I hate you.” Yeah, vague answer, I know!! Read the book for more about Kraven’s feelings – he has a lot of them! 😉

Will Samantha overcome the hunger she feels for Bishop?

Well, that would be a spoiler for sure! 😉 All I can say is that pretty much all questions readers might have after Dark Kiss are answered in Wicked Kiss!


: : : : : CONTEST : : : : :

I want to give away TWO signed sets of the Nightwatchers series – Dark Kiss and Wicked Kiss. Please comment below to enter (International entries are welcome) and answer this question:

What celebrity or book character would you want to give you a Wicked Kiss?

Winners will be chosen at random on Sunday, March 3rd at 9:00pm EST and notified by email. They will have one week to reply with their mailing address to claim their prize.

Good luck – and happy reading!!


    1. I would definitely choose Ian summahalder he is my favorite actor and he did a great job in the vampire diaries and he is my all time crush!

  1. I would want Kraven to give me a Wicked Kiss. Just don’t tell my husband. What a great giveaway, thank you. 🙂

  2. Congrats Michelle!

    If I say Kraven I think I’d get arrested, so I’ll have to say Karen Marie Moning’s Jericho Barrons from the Fever series!

  3. Thanks for the contest!

    I would gladly have a wicked kiss from Adrian Ivashkov from the Bloodlines/ Vampire Academy novels^^

    Fingers crossed now:)

    Love from France.

  4. I’d be up for a wicked kiss from Adrian from the Bloodlines series or Ash from the Iron Fey series. I can’t choose between the two. Lol
    Thanks for the contest, Michelle! 🙂

  5. Does a cover model count as a celebrity? Bc I would definitely choose the cover model on Kevin Hearne’s Hounded. 🙂

    Congrats on the release! Dark Kiss was my favorite read of 2012 so I can’t wait for Wicked Kiss.

  6. I would love a “wicked kiss” from Eddie Castile from Vampire Academy/ Bloodlines. He’s such a great subtle character. Always loyal and caring and so powerful in all he does and says.

  7. Hmm, I would have to say maybe Kayden from Wendy Higgins’ Sweet Evil, or Four(tobias) from Divergent. I wouldn’t even mind Kraven 🙂 Thank you for the chance!

  8. I’d say Warner from Shatter Me / Unravel Me. Now THAT would definitely be one wicked kiss 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy release day, Michelle!

  9. Hmm I would want Chris Hemsworth for a wicked kiss, or maybe even Liam Hemsworth. I would take either brother, lol!

  10. Such a tough question! If I had to pick one, I would have to say Adrian from the Vampire Academy/Bloodline series because he is one of my favorites and also the only one to pop into my head at this moment. >_<


  11. Hi Michelle! Thanks for the contest! I would have to pick Robert Pattinson. Or maybe Channing Tatum. Or maybe both 😉 Can’t wait to read the new book!

  12. Oh, Charlie Hunnam *rawr* i think a kiss from Jax would be wicked enough.. *swoons*
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Friday!

  13. ouu, this is a tough question to answer, but at the top of my head, I would have to say Kraven from. of course, the Nightwatchers trilogy, or Alex from the Delirium trilogy! *sighhh*

  14. I would love a Wicked Kiss from Mr. Darcy. Could you imagine all that repressed passion released in a kiss *swoon* 😀

  15. Ahhh! Just one Wicked Kiss. That’s going to be hard…

    But I guess right now I’ve been obsessed with Scott Parnell (Crescendo). I think he’s so capable of a wicked kiss. -yum-


    Although he dies. A girl can dream. 😥

  16. I would probably give a wicked kiss to Daemon Black from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Dante Walker from Victoria Scott’s Dante Walker series or dear Kraven 😉

  17. Wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed Blood Bath and Beyond – what fun- you have created an intriguing world with vampires as kooky, glamourous or mysterious as the humans they live amongst – and you made me laugh on almost every page. Thanks!

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