Favorites of 2008

Well, it’s that time again. Out with the old, in with the new. 2008 has been an interesting year of change and growth for me. I became a full-time writer. I sold five books. I had two releases. I have been really, totally focused on my writing this year. I want to continue that focus into 2009…however, I’d like to try to fit in some stuff that isn’t writing related! I want a focus on health and fun in the new year. Better health and more fun! Those are my resolutions.

Have a very happy new year! I’ll see you on the other side!


Favorite Book I read in 2008

Poison Study. Maria V. Snyder came up to the Toronto Romance Writers (which, FYI, I’m now the vice president of this RWA chapter. Join today!) to do a workshop on worldbuilding. I’d heard about her books before but never picked them up. Frankly, they sounded too literary. Not that I shun literary fare, but I don’t remember really enjoying much of it and it made me remember the book club I was once in where I was subjected to really boring stuff. Anyhow, I digress. Maria had some excerpts in her workshop hand-outs and I was interested in what I read about a woman forced to choose between execution or becoming a poison tester, her sexy boss, and this wonderful alternate world Maria created, so I bought the first book and devoured it in a few days and have the next book, Magic Study, at the top of my TBR shelf.

Starting in 2009 I’m going to keep track of all the books I read in my WordPress blog sidebar.


Favorite Movie

Twilight. This is the first movie for a long time that I actually anticipated seeing for months. I looked forward to it. I planned ahead for the day I was going, and with whom, and it became an event. And as I sat in the darkening theater I hoped very much that it wouldn’t be a let down. And, for me, it wasn’t. It had some flaws, sure. Visible contact lens edges. Weird vampire pancake makeup and unnaturally colored hair. The pacing was a bit off with a slumpy middle and a rushed ending. However, I’ve seen it three times now which should hold me until the DVD comes out.


Favorite Hot Actor

Rob Pattinson. I know, it would make sense I’d pick Hugh Jackman since he’s the Sexiest Man Alive and buzz is gathering for Wolverine and I’m always yapping about how he’s my intended. Plus, I channeled his godliness for Thierry in two books this year. But it’s not. Hey, he turned 40 this year. Maybe I prefer 22 year olds now. ๐Ÿ˜‰ In any case, I found Robert Pattinson, his unruly hair, and the fan adoration surrounding him absolutely fascinating โ€” enough to inspire a character in a YA contemporary I want to write. This guy is also interesting because he can take either a photo where he looks like 1) a serial killer, or 2) absolute hotness incarnate. Plus he’s English and he’s really very funny and smart and a good actor. Although I’m still not sure why Edward calls Bella his spider monkey in the movie. Does he do that in the book? Because that was so random.


Favorite TV Show

This is a tie for me between Lost and Supernatural, with Lost possibly edging out Supernatural by a smidge. Lost is consistently good for me and leaves me on the edge of my seat. Supernatural sometimes annoys me because I would do some things differently if I was the writer. Which I’m not, of course. Dammit. Plus, I’m still not thrilled with the way women are portrayed on the show. Who knew a show about two hot brothers would bring out the girl power side of me? Both return in January and I’m keeping my PVR just for this reason. Can’t miss an episode of either!!


  1. Glad you have another book out fairly soon. I really enjoy your writing. What is a vampire story without humour after all. But I would like to see Sarah and her romantic angst fade a bit into the background. If she hasn’t got her guy by the third/ fourth book she needs to read “He’s Just Not that into You” and move along.

    Keep writing Michelle! My nephew had your Maddox book this week. I only noticed the cover cause he usually has his nose in a book when he isn’t playing video games. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now that I know it was your book I will get it from him next time I visit.

    Thanks for great fun and adventure between the pages.

  2. Hey there Laura… thanks for the kind words. Sarah’s romantic angst does change into something other than “does he like me or not?” in my April book, I assure you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Because that would get kinda boring not just for readers but for me (especially since I’m the one writing it) after going through all that in F&F. Hopefully you like how it goes.. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your nephew, huh? How old is he? That book is way steamier than my Rowen stuff. LOL. Then again, I was reading Jackie Collins when I was 14 and I turned out okay. Okayish. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Hi Michelle,

    Wishing you best wishes for 2009 and lots of publishing contracts. Your blog is always a delight.


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