
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
67,408 / 85,000


Yesterday was one of those days when I remember why I want to do this writing thing. The words came fast and furious and I was in the zone almost the whole time I was writing. Total magic. Whether or not the writing itself is usable is another thing, but the process was fantastic. I wrote over 6600 words (28 pages) and it felt GOOD.

Today is another matter. It’s nearly four o’clock and I still haven’t written anything. I’ve done some research (witch’s talismans and what if feels like to get shot) and reread some pages, but nothing new. Yet. Usually after a really good day I hit a minor wall. It’s okay. I’m on track to finish up this first draft by next Sunday. I’m liking what I’m getting. I’m over the hump of “OMG this is really horrible” and onto the “OMG this just might work” section of the journey I take with every book. The climax of this story is a bit up in the air. It’s not going to work out exactly as I had it in my synopsis since some things have shifted a bit as I’ve written. I had to ax an entire extraneous subplot since my word count was in danger of being too high (there’s a first time for everything), so I need to figure out just how everything’s going to turn out. I think I know. But we’ll see if the characters agree.

After this book is done like dinner I have the go-ahead to write up the synopsis for book 2 in my Demon Princess young adult series. So happy I’m going to get to hang out with those characters again really soon. I’ve seen a rough cover for REIGN OR SHINE and it’s really mega cute. The second book is going to be due July 1st with a probable Spring 2010 release. Life is good. I can’t complain.

Well, I can complain. In fact, I’m very good at it. But I don’t really have any reason to right now when it comes to the writing. This is subject to change at any moment.

Okay, enough chit chat. If you want to keep up with how I’m progressing, I do twitter my little heart out every day. That site is seriously addictive.


  1. Since you making progress means I have more yummy books to read, I can’t complain either. And in the not complaining category – I just read an article that production on New Moon has been moved up, and the movie will be released on Nov. 20, 2009. Figured I’d spread the happy news. 😉

  2. I spend a small part of my day now reading up on Twilight/New Moon news, sadly enough. Now I’m just waiting to see what they’re going to do about the Jacob casting. Keep the kid or go for a hottie in his twenties? I vote for B.

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